Prepared Place Ministries believes that a restorative approach to prisoners, former prisoners, and all those affected by crime and incarceration can make communities safer and healthier. Our ministry is founded on the conviction that all people are created in God's image and that no life is beyond God's reach. As Christians, we believe that Jesus — Himself brought to trial, executed, buried, and brought to life again — offers hope, healing, and a new purpose for each life. He can make even the most broken people and situations whole again. Through an amazing awakening to new hope and life purpose, those who once broke the law are transformed and mobilized to serve their neighbors, replacing the cycle of crime with a cycle of renewal.
Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison.
Hebrews 13:3

Our Background
Prepared Place Ministries (PPM) is a faith based
organization that serves low to moderate income
individuals and families of all walks of life in an effort
to aid them in establishing self-sufficiency and greater
spiritual awareness and embrace.
As a 501c(3) nonprofit, PPM provides education through
mentorship classes and workshops, dance programs,
homeownership workshops and prison reentry readiness
and resources. Services also include clothing
distribution, credit repair, budgeting, bank account
establishment, education, employment and other
Our purpose is to empower people to achieve a better
quality of life who were impoverished and without hope. To aid in the betterment of mankind by systematically providing assistance with goal development and accountability for achievement.
PPM desires to be a humankind one stop shop for underprivileged individuals and other prison ministries in the United States and eventually to expand the globe by teaching Biblically based principles in money management, financial education, entrepreneurship, team development creative arts and basic life skills
Our Values
We aspire to uphold the following values in all our interactions with others:
Respect the dignity of all people
Equip others to greater potential
Serve with humility
Trust through transparent collaboration
Obey God and His Word
Rely on prayer
Excel in all we do
Prepared Place Ministries, founded in 2011, is a faith-based ministry that institutes a formalized rehabilitation program in Philadelphia Industrial Correctional (PIC). The Character, Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty and Leadership Operating Under Transition program (CHILL OUT) will support efforts to rehabilitate incarcerated women in order to support their successful transition back into their communities and lessen the rate of recidivism.
The CHILL OUT program is implemented over a 12-week period. Each workshop assists each woman in obtaining a greater understanding of who they are in God and how that affects their individual character traits in order to equip them with the tools necessary to implement change for the positive. The sessions provide the woman with the tools necessary to strengthen self-esteem and build personal development traits to aid them in becoming marketable in business, (work/employment), effective in ministry and their ultimate re-entry into society.
Each week, participants will be taught biblical principles geared toward personal development. Each principal causes them to search deep within themselves to identify character flaws and build a complete implementation agenda to aid them in addressing, and ultimately conquering, those things that have caused them to make some of the decisions that resulted in imprisonment. Providing biblical tools aid the women in transforming their life experiences that imprisoned their minds and spirits long before their physical beings into learning experiences that they can grow from.
If you would like CHILL OUT to present to your church, women’s ministry or community organization, feel free to click here to request a date and time. All inquiries will receive a response within 24 hours.
An interview with Minister Camille Johnson
This word is not recognized in Webster’s Dictionary but is a nick name we use in the CHILL OUT Program to describe our program participants. It is derived from the word Kin, whose definition is as follows:
Kin/kɪn/ (Noun):
1. A person's relatives collectively; kinfolk.
2. Family relationship or kinship.
3. A group of persons descended from a common ancestor or constituting a family, clan, tribe, or race.
4. A relative or kinsman.
5. Someone or something of the same or similar kind:
Our KinMates become our family the minute they walk through the door of our class room. They are treated with the love, admiration, respect, chastisement, affirmation and benevolence that we extend to our biological family. Many of our KinMates have broken relationships with family and friends which contribute to continuous criminal behavior. The love extended to them without knowing their convictions aid in establishing a bond that expands way beyond their reason for being incarcerated. It amplifies that fact that we are all decedents from a common ancestor, GOD!
Transitional Coach
The Role of the Transitional Coach
CHILL OUT will assign each Kin Mate participant a trained, female Transition Coach (TC). Each participant will be matched up according to their goals, needs and what they are trying to accomplish. TC matches will be based on interests that both the TC and the inmate share. The TC will become a consistent “face”, pen pal, spiritual guide and support partner. TC’s can maintain contact with their Kin Mate after the inmate completes the CHILL OUT Program they have been released from prison.
This partnership will aid the Kin Mate in avoiding negative relationships and activities that caused their incarceration. TC’s will encourage mentees to participate in their parole and any addiction activities. If referrals for services are made, the TC will walk the inmate through the process of enrollment and implementation to completion. Transitional Coaches will assist their clients reach their goals by being a constant support; this will assist them to become integrated, positively, back into society.
Finally, CHILLOUT will provide Kin Mates with tangible and applicable resources to assist them in pursuing and achieving their goals and become proud citizens.
Transitional Coaches are an integral part of a Kin Mates Transition and transformation to a new life in society when they are released from prison. The main responsibilities of a Transitional Coach are:
Accept a Kin Mate Assignment
Attend two Training Session for Transitional Coaches
Commit to writing a Kin Mate a minimum 2 times per month during a 12 week cycle (6 letters)
Send you Kin Mate Resources/Vehicles of encouragement as much as possible
ATTEND Kin Mate Meeting on Week 6 (Usually a Friday at 10am to 12 noon))
ATTEND Kin Mate Graduation Week 12 (3 to 4 hour commitment)
Assist Kin Mate in taking advantage of G.R.O.W. Out Program Resources after she is released from Prison.
CHILL OUT Transitional Coach participation is structured with the Working/Professional in mind. We understand that everyone is not able to visit the prison as often as they or our Kin Mates would like but we can “remember” them that are in prison as Hebrews 13:3 instructs. We may not be able to visit but we can via our letters. We can via our cards. We can with our resources. We, together, can make a difference. Become a Transitional Coach today by attending our next Transitional Coach Orientation.
Prisons We Serve
Our Leadership
Camille Johnson, President and CEO
Occupation- Real Estate Agent
Shawn McGeth, Vice President
Occupation- Certified Housing Counselor
Denise Barnes, Secretary
Occupation- Executive Administrator
Tanika Lott, Treasurer
Occupation- Accountant
Lorrie Scott, Member
Occupation- Realtor
Sheri Rivera, Member
Occupation- Realtor
Tomar Jackson, Member
Occupation- Vocalist