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FLY Out- Travel Missions
APRIL 6- 11, 2019 - #Team Rebekah
Sister Syisha Randolph, Haiti Director
A large amount of our Kin Mates have never traveled outside of Philadelphia or the surrounding states. This ministry is geared to allow our ladies to experience life outside of their normal culture, learn new languages and travel to destinations outside of their
The mission of this trip is to :
Evangelism - Reach those who are outside the walls of our Church with the message and the love of Jesus Christ.
Church Development - Assist in building a newly developing church in Haiti
Prison Ministry - Minister to those incarcerated in Haiti
Education - Aid impoverished students in attending college with tuition and needed school supplies.
Orphans - To minister to the needs of children without parents
Widows - To help the growing needs for the Elder Care Home
Health - -Provide basic healthcare supplies to the local Hospital
Resources - Provide personal items and love and support.
Our ultimate goal is to allow our released program participants to experience a different culture and learn to love despite our differences.
Due to parole and probation ordinances our kinmates were unable to travel with us on this trip. We have assembled a team of 17 of our transitional coaches that will be traveling on our first trip.
Donate to Haiti 2019! Help us to touch other parts of the world to experience a new culture and ministry.
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